The AIS System, acronym corresponding to Automatic Identification System, was conceptually conceived in the 90s to provide an autonomous and automatic ship-to-ship communication system, with the capacity to generate alerts in case their kinematics detect the possibility of a collision.
This system was formally promulgated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 2002, establishing a mandatory scheduling schedule for ships of 300 tons or higher starting in 2004.
Which transmits on two public frequencies and globally reserved for this purpose. These frequencies being VHF; 161.975 MHz 162.025 MHz.
From the original conception, to its development in practice, a multiplicity of advantageous applications were derived, which have been subsequently implemented. Among which is the possibility of transmitting meteorological and oceanographic information (Metocean), as well as monitoring and remote control of navigation aids, among others.
MSM, in view of the benefits offered by this system, has developed various solutions that take advantage of these characteristics in order to simplify communications, reduce energy consumption and transmit information in real time in a dual way to general users as well as more specific information. For system owners, both the Metocean data obtained, using Message 8, and the information on the operating operation of the system through Message 6.
Examples of these applications are the Safe Port system, which consists of the installation of buoys, lighthouses, structures, specks or a combination of these in approaches and / or entrances to ports, as well as in straits, channels, passages or any location. where required. In this way, Metocean data is provided in a timely manner and in real time, through AIS communications, to ships in order to facilitate their safe maneuvers. These data include the speed and direction of the wind, gusts, atmospheric pressure, speed and direction of the current, tide, visibility, among others. These data are also sent through the same transmission channel to the Control Center as well as operational data of the system and the Navigation Aids, allowing comprehensive management.
This collected information can be used to carry out other tasks such as coastal engineering, research, for environmental purposes and studies of water or phenomena such as climate change, among others.