
The solution for monitoring and remote control of Metocean data

OceanCom Suite is a software for the monitoring and remote control of oceanographic buoys and ground stations that allows to easily obtain information from these remote measuring stations and the electronics devices integrated, displaying the information intuitively on a web browser, accessible via any device with an Internet connection.


This software for the measuring stations management is designed to provide an intuitive and simple experience for the remote control of several stations.

This application allows the user to view in a single dashboard the general status of the monitoring stations.

The user can visualize quickly and easily the data of the sensors in several formats, as well as generate reports or download the information instantly.

The database management system is MySQL.

It can visualize the general status of multiple stations at once,

in addition to being able to send remote commands to the stations and all their internal equipment.

The OceanCom Suite has an account manager that allows you to select the permissions by users, to configure the application according to their roles.



Simultaneous monitoring of multiple remote stations.
Intuitive and streamlined.
Data visualization configurable according to user needs.
Generate reports automatically.
Remote configuration and control of the equipment
Users, roles, and permissions management.


Main dashboard to access the platform.

Includes GIS map of the area with the latest GNSS position reported of the remote monitoring stations.

Color coding chart to report the status of the remote station.


It allows the visualization of the data and measurements recorded by the different equipment deployed.

Practical and intuitive interface, where data display can be filtered by date range. Different data display options (chart or table).

It allows to download data in multiple formats, image, pdf or CSV, and generate reports.


Displays the overall status of all remote stations registered by the user.

It reports the status’ alarms concerning the general status of the remote station and the electronic devices integrated into the station.

In addition, it can also send remote control commands and visualize the status and response.


Display of the equipment integrated in each measuring station, as well as the configuration of each sensor.

It facilitates the review and modification of the configuration of the equipment.

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