
MSM Ocean has won the BLUE DEAL Open Innovation Challenge 2022

Published on Monday, 28 March of 2022

We are proud to announce that we have won the BLUE DEAL OI Challenge 2022 proposed by the Greek organization CRES (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving) in the second edition of this european Business Forum about Marine Renewable Energies organised by the CEEI Valencia (Centro Europeo de Empresas Innovadoras de Valencia) (European Business and Innovation Centre of Valencia).

Pablo Miras Martinez has participated explaining #metocean #buoys that capture oceanographic, meteorological data and pollution.

“The sustainable energy resources required to meet zero emissions has been demonstrated to be possible by scientist and engineers. Society has the technologies and means to decarbonize our economy. In the sea, where impacts on fauna and flora are complex to observe, we have the responsibility to monitor those activities close to blue-energy devices and their interaction with the marine environment”.

We are grateful for this award, MSM Ocean’s team is truly honoured to receive it. We are also pleased to have participated in this challenge presenting our sustainable solution for long-term monitoring of underwater activities.

A special mention to the Blue Deal project and their 12 partners and associated-partners that have organised and supported the event.


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